How Important Are Pilates Movement Principles In A Fitness Workout?

Pilates Movement Principles in a Fitness Workout

How Important Are Pilates Movement Principles In A Fitness Workout? As for so many trends in the field of fitness, Pilates is one of the most popular among those people who want to achieve spirituality. As with most exercise programs, Pilates is defined by the principles of Pilates movement, which are fundamental to it. These […]

Chair Pilates: How It Becomes a Revolution In Fitness Workout

Chair Pilates : Revolution in Fitness Workout

Chair Pilates: How It Becomes A Revolution In Fitness Workout Chair Pilates has gained much attention in the fitness field, as it provides an effective way of working out all the muscle groups and increasing flexibility. At iKore Pilates, we are happy to explain how this approach makes traditional Pilates and everyday workouts more accessible […]